1. Avoid an audit by NOT avoiding the IRS. Many people receive correspondence from the IRS throughout the year, but do not take the time to look at it, or actually put any importance to it. The first step is to be aware, take action, and be proactive in making sure you are where you need to be. Working with time is better than crunching everything in the last minute.
2. Have tax tangles? You won’t be the first nor the last. The main tip we can give is to stay calm, and take action. There are MANY ways to get help, and lots of ways to plan and get yourself out of the tax tangle. The main problem we see with folks is that they get flustered and start to freak out! Everything from filing back taxes, to getting penalties and interest abated all the way to a full tax settlement for less than what you owe. The key is taking action with someone who knows what the right solution is for you.
3. Just like you would get a specialist for a health concern, the same goes for taxes. If you only go to a tax preparer, you may not get a full picture view into what may come. If you have special circumstances, or are planning major moves, you need major help. Use a tax specialist who is well versed in complex tax situations and is more qualified than most professionals who only offer tax preparation services.